JWT: Why Asymmetric Algorithms Are Better Than Symmetric

  • Ismail Jamil
  • 14 Jul 2024

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) used to securely transmit information between parties. JWT is widely used for authentication and authorization, especially in web applications and APIs.

A JWT consists of three main parts separated by dots (.):

  1. Header: Contains the token type and the algorithm used.
  2. Payload: Contains claims or user-related information.
  3. Signature: Used to verify the authenticity of the token.

Symmetric vs Asymmetric Algorithms in JWT

JWT can be signed using two types of algorithms:

1. Symmetric Algorithm (HMAC)

A symmetric algorithm uses a single secret key for both signing and verification processes. A commonly used symmetric algorithm is HMAC with SHA-256 (HS256).


  • Faster encryption and decryption compared to asymmetric algorithms.
  • Easier to implement since it requires only one key.
  • Security depends on the confidentiality of the single key.
  • If the key is compromised, unauthorized parties can sign their own tokens
  • The same key must be shared between the signing and verifying servers, increasing security risks.

2. Asymmetric Algorithm (RSA & ECDSA)

An asymmetric algorithm uses two keys: a private key for signing and a public key for verification. Commonly used asymmetric algorithms include RSA (RS256) and ECDSA (ES256).

  • More secure as the private key does not need to be shared.
  • Prevents forgery: The recipient only needs the public key for verification, preventing token fabrication.
  • Ideal for distributed systems, as only the entity with the private key can sign the token.
  • Slower compared to symmetric algorithms due to complex mathematical computations.
  • More complex implementation as it requires two keys.

Why Choose Asymmetric Algorithms?

Although symmetric algorithms are faster, asymmetric algorithms offer better security for JWT, especially in the following scenarios:

  • Distributed systems: When backend and frontend servers operate separately, asymmetric encryption allows the backend to sign tokens while the frontend verifies them using the public key.
  • Higher security: As long as the private key remains secure, no unauthorized entity can sign valid tokens.
  • Reduced key leakage risk: The public key can be shared without security risks, while the private key remains confidential.


The choice of algorithm in JWT depends on security requirements and application needs. If authentication is handled by a single party, a symmetric algorithm might be sufficient. However, if multiple systems are involved and security is a priority, an asymmetric algorithm is the best choice as it ensures that only entities with the private key can sign valid tokens.

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JWT: Why Asymmetric Algorithms Are Better Than Symmetric

  • Ismail Jamil
  • 14 Jul 2024

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) used to securely transmit information between parties. JWT is widely used for authentication and authorization, especially in web applications and